De-Cluttering the Garden

...price. This is a matter of poor scheduling, subject matter for an upcoming series of posts (if I can ever schedule time to write those scheduling posts). Let’s just say there was some cursing while pulling out a robust and thorny Opuntia yesterday that would have been much easier to remove two years ago. Pruning. This is a source of considerable marital discord. Kelly is much better at it than I am, and yet I end up micromanaging and mansplaining....


039 Climate Change and Be-cycling With Peter Kalmus

...sation he discusses his “Be-Cycling” response to climate change. Through a series of lifestyle changes he has reduced his personal CO2 emissions from 20 tonnes a year–which is about the US national average–to two tonnes. And he says he’s had a great time doing it. During the podcast he also touches on: His transition from astrophysics to climate science and why he made the switch. The carbon footprint of climate science. Not giving climate skeptic...


Back to the Garden

Livre de chasse, ca 1407 [This is the first post in a new series.] Lately I have been thinking about that old Joni Mitchell song, Woodstock, where she says: We are stardust We are golden And we’ve got to get ourselves Back to the garden We’ve got to get ourselves back to the Garden. This idea haunts me. I find references to this song, to the Garden and gardening and Eden everywhere I turn, as if the universe is whacking me upside the head, saying...


A New Reality

..., grow their own food and come up with their own method of governance. The series will make use of the usual reality show plot device of having participants vote each other off the show. The agency wanted us to put out a casting call. We won’t do that. I’m tired of stories that sow discord and hold up our lifestyle as something impossible to accomplish. The underlying message? Stay on that couch, don’t try to change the world, just buy the crap ou...


Saturday Tweets: Micro Campers, The Whole Earth Catalog and a Post-Antibiotics Future — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 1, 2015 Emily Green's series continues: “After the Lawn” Part 3: Turf dormancy — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 4, 2015 History Of the Whole Earth Catalog and The Birth of West Coast Publishing — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 30, 2015 Some good points here on the drought–we need strong government action now, not later: via @...
