Saturday Tweets: Mostly Bikes

...Eric Rochow (@GardenForkTV) February 23, 2018 Another one for the hexagon series. Many arms king with casual footwear. — federico tobon (@wolfCatWorkshop) February 21, 2018 "Science and reason is the best we have" is a statement that is both pseudoscientific & irrational. It conflates science and scientism. Science is rigorous, makes no claims outside a v. narrow domain. "Tradition, risk management, and Skin in the Game...


Our new front yard, part 6: it’s all potential at this point

...wonderful this spring. So stay tuned. In the meantime, I will update this series if anything comes up– any new mistakes or discoveries or victories on the road to developing a meadow community. Doing this project has made me aware of how often we expect instant results with our landscaping, and how this haste often comes at a price. I don’t mean money, though that is true as well. So often the homeowner or the designer installs way too many plant...


A New Reality

..., grow their own food and come up with their own method of governance. The series will make use of the usual reality show plot device of having participants vote each other off the show. The agency wanted us to put out a casting call. We won’t do that. I’m tired of stories that sow discord and hold up our lifestyle as something impossible to accomplish. The underlying message? Stay on that couch, don’t try to change the world, just buy the crap ou...


Solve Your Measurement Problems with a Construction Calculator

...soul saving power of the construction calculator. Trying to add an awkward series of measurements in feet, inches and fractions? A construction calculator can help you with that. Best of all, you can get a construction calculator in the form of a free app for your tracking device, errrr, I mean “phone.” I downloaded the free DeWalt Mobile Pro Construction Calculator, available for both iPhone and Android devices. You can purchase carpentry, masonr...


039 Climate Change and Be-cycling With Peter Kalmus

...sation he discusses his “Be-Cycling” response to climate change. Through a series of lifestyle changes he has reduced his personal CO2 emissions from 20 tonnes a year–which is about the US national average–to two tonnes. And he says he’s had a great time doing it. During the podcast he also touches on: His transition from astrophysics to climate science and why he made the switch. The carbon footprint of climate science. Not giving climate skeptic...
