A Library for a Post-Electricity Future

...m. The library is a trove of pre-electricity how-to books, everything from building your own steam engine to beekeeping, navigation, parlor games and much more. Most of the books in the library date to the 19th century. Since Survivor Library is in an electronic format, you’ll need to either print it out or build your own Faraday cage if you want to use these books after the next Carrington event. I was particuarly excited to find, in the Survivor...


An Open Letter to Our Mammalian Friends

...ts. It’s bad enough, because of you and your robust fingers, that I had to build a coop that I’ve dubbed “chicken Guantanamo.” I thought I could have a less robust daytime chicken run. I’m not happy that I had to spend over $100 to beef up that run. My accountant will have to devise an elaborate amortization strategy to keep our eggs affordable. I’m also not cool with the daytime raids on the fig tree even if it entertains our indoor cats. To the...


Seed Tape Workshop at Summer Nights in the Garden

...EED TAPE with authors, Erik Knutzen & Kelly Coyne (*timed-ticket required) BUILD A BEE HOTEL with NHM Entomologists (*timed-ticket required) WISHING TREE ROCK ART with Barnsdall Arts BOTANICAL TOURS with NHM Garden Staff SMOKE FLY SAMPLING with NHM Citizen Scientists PATIO CHATS: The Story of P-22, L.A.’s Famous Mountain Lion ENCHANTING TOY THEATER PERFORMANCES by NHM Performing Arts Staff LIVE ANIMAL PRESENTATIONS ART INSTALLATION, “Edge of Color...


A House for Native Bees and Insects

...ded grass and roses. The premise of the Natural History Museum garden is, “build it and they (life) will come.” During the four classes we’ve taught in the NHM garden we’ve witnessed that life: insects and birds in abundance. In addition to lots of life-attracting plants, the NHM folks have created habitats for insects like the one in the pictured above. These cute little native bee habitats sit atop a 8 foot four by four. I’m going to steal the d...
