DIY Solar Space Heating

Photo: Build It Solar. Mrs. Homegrown, who spent her formative years in the mountains of Colorado, made fun of me this morning as I noted the “cold” temperature . . . 60°F. It was the first ironic “brrrrrr” out of her mouth, letting me know that we’ve transitioned from the hot smoggy season to the the less hot smoggy season here in Los Angeles. In the northern hemisphere it’s time to consider heating. The always useful Build-It Solar blog has a d...


Permaculture Design Course at the Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano

...nutrient cycle overview (nitrogen, carbon cycles), soil science overview, building biomass- focus in permaculture, keeping backyard chickens, composting methods workshop / build a worm bin MAY 11 / ENERGY + SHELTER – Passive solar design, walk through an energy audit, how to read a utility bill, ‘going solar,’ tour of energy-efficient home, design an alternative energy plan for your own energy-efficient home / home-scale energy audit MAY 31 / DES...


In Defense of the Paper Wasp

...though there are many different kinds of paper wasps). Paper wasps like to build their small nests under the eaves of the house. Their diet consists of caterpillars, flies and beetles—anything that eats those kinds of bugs are a friend of mine. Nests consist of around 30 to 40 wasps–workers, queens and drones. They are much less aggressive than hornets and yellowjackets. How I stopped worrying and learned to love the paper wasp Of course, sometime...


Saturday Linkages: Saris, Punk Rockers, Poppies and Young Agrarians

...asps-nest-built-ov.html … Punk rock homesteading resources: Two new California poppy species: … Contrasting Front Yards: Turf Only v. Wildlife-Filled | Garden Rant … When Pedestrians Get Mixed Signals h...


The Flow Hive: a Solution in Search of a Problem

...s a natural beekeeper I don’t use foundation at all, as bees are by nature builders, and I believe they build the best homes for themselves. I would not presume to define the scope and size of their home. Another concern for me is honey robbing. Pictures on the Flow™ Hive site also show honey dripping from the hive into open jars. In our region, this would set off a robbing frenzy as other hives in the area discover free, open air honey. When robb...
