What to Do With Junk Mail and Shredded Paper

...part interview with Kreigh Hampel, recycling coordinator for the city of Burbank if you’d like to get the lowdown on what it’s like on the receiving end of all our garbage (Part 1, Part 2). And the possibility of a trade ware with China may make things even more complicated. China no longer wants our trash. So what to do about reducing paper waste at the source aside from the obvious (sign up for paperless bills). The Data & Marketing Association...


125 Green Burials with the Green Reaper Elizabeth Fournier

...wns and operates Cornerstone Funeral Services in Boring, Oregon (we’re not making that up). She serves on the Advisory Board for the Green Burial Council. You can find her online at the Green Reaper. During the podcast we discuss: What is a green burial? The legality of green burial in the United States What’s wrong with a modern funeral? National Home Funeral Alliance Cremation vs. green burial Water cremation (alkaline hydrolysis) Burial at sea...


The American College of the Building Arts

..., when local residents found that there were no skilled craftspersons to rebuild the traditional buildings that grace Charleston. Skilled workers had to be imported from Europe. The founders of ACBA set out to fix that problem by offering a four year degree that combines shop classes with the liberal arts. At ACBA you can study traditional building crafts such as masonry, timber framing, ironwork, plasterwork and classical architecture as well as...


A Thanksgiving Debriefing

...this terrible magazine cover depicting Puritans. I can’t tell the difference. Plus the central figure has the haggard look of someone who just spent the whole day making way too much mediocre food while the rest of her family kicked back and watched a bowl game....


On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs

...e things you like to read about on this blog: gardening, beer brewing, jam making, beekeeping etc. Or how about a world in which teachers, nurses and caregivers made more money than tech CEOs? Sadly, we don’t live in that utopia. Instead we have an economy that often rewards people who either do nothing all day or whose work degrades our lives. Anthropologist David Graeber takes up these questions in his book Bullshit Jobs: A Theory. Judging from...
