Perennial Vegetables

...out edible perennials until the publication of Eric Toensmeier’s excellent book, Perennial Vegetables: From Artichokes to Zuiki Taro, A Gardener’s Guide to Over 100 Delicious and Easy to Grow Edibles . We’ve got a few of the species Toensmeier mentions: artichoke, prickly pear cactus, stinging nettles, crosnes (more on those in another post) and goji berries. Edible Perennials contains growing information for each species offering something for ev...


126 The Wild Yards Project with David Newsom

...Begins at Home.” During the conversation David mentions: Douglas Tallamy’s book Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants and his talk. Film that features David’s backyard Wild Yards Project on Instagram Lisa Novick interview Essay on the Wild Yards Project website, “A Meadow Grows in West Gloucester“ Wild Yards Map Wild Yards Project newsletter (at bottom of page) Native plants for realtors The Gottlieb Native Garden:...


Saturday Tweets: RIP Mary Oliver

...) January 16, 2019 Southern California // Big Crops, Big Money. Rare front page of the Los Angeles Times Annual Midwinter, from January 1915@KCET @JDevis @ginapollack @LAFarmGirl @RachelSurls #LAFoodways — ADSAUSAGE (@adsausage) January 17, 2019 Russian company wants to put giant ads in low-Earth orbit; they could display corporate logos “and other brand emblems, as well as allow governments to flash urgent notifications...


Fruit Tree Maintenance Calendars

...est issues on fruit trees. The University of California has a very helpful page of fruit tree maintenance calendars for us backyard orchard enthusiasts. The calendars cover everything from when to water, fertilize, paint the trunks and many other tasks. You can also find them in one big handy set of charts in UC’s book The Home Orchard. The permaculturalist in me likes our low-maintenance pomegranate and prickly pear cactus. But I also like my app...


2013 in Review Part II

...ter choice. Mrs. Homegrown pondered equine touring by reviewing an obscure book, The Last of the Saddle Tramps. Perhaps she was inspired by our 2012 siting of the 3 mule guy (one of our most Googled posts, by the way). August I consider summer to be our winter in Los Angeles. It’s hot and dry and, other than harvesting tomatoes, summer here is not the best time for gardening. Time to contemplate closed vs. open floor plans and catch a crappy Holly...
