We are all gardeners

...subject of a whole different essay, but if you need convincing, check out books like Last Child in the Woods and Your Brain on Nature, or more immediately, articles on “nature prescriptions” like this one in Slate. Embracing our role as gardeners and stewards of creation is a thread of hope in an otherwise grim time. It’s a way of telling a story which counters our prevailing narratives of hopelessness and destruction. It’s also something we can...


Hollywood always gets gardens wrong (I’m talking to you, Maze Runner)

...storical dramas, cannot somebody bother to glance at an art history survey book, and see what the visual of the period was, and make a faint attempt to replicate that style? Yes, only crusty old art history majors (ahem) are bothered by this, but heck, we’d tell you for free. Just give us a call. Run a couple of things past us. We don’t mind–it’s not like we’re employed or anything. The set designers do an okay job bringing in random paintings tha...


001 Transplants vs. Seedlings, Josey Baker Bread, Gluten Intolerance and Rats in the Compost

...e of the Root Simple podcast we discuss transplants vs. direct sowing, the book Josey Baker Bread, gluten intolerance and answer a listener question about rats. Let us know what you think and what you’d like us to cover. If you want to leave a question you can call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to rootsimple@gmail.com. The theme music is by Dr. Frankenstein. Additional music by Rho. A downloadable version of this podcast is here. You can subscri...


006 The Secrets of Kimchi With Hae Jung Cho

...hi) Diced Radish Kimchi (Kkakdugi) During the podcast, Hae Jung mentions a book that contains just about all you’d ever want to know about how to make the many different varieties of kimchi: Good Morning Kimchi Kimchi Classes Hae Jung will also be teaching two classes in Los Angeles in August. The first will be on Saturday, August 2, from 10 am to approximately 1 pm. Here’s the info: Details of Kimchi Class: The 3-hour class will be a hands-on exp...
