Stoicism Today

...academics and non-academics alike and is about the varied ways in which the 2,300 year old philosophy as a way of life remains relevant to the concerns and needs of the present day. The book is available as a paperback and Kindle e-book. The Stoicism Today website also has a free handbook and online course, well worth checking out....


Everything Must Go: Tidying Up at the Root Simple Compound

...sense and we were both were ready to hear what she said, so we bought the book. Her premise is simple enough, and there’s no need to buy the book if you’re resolute enough and don’t need prodding. Basically all she’s saying is that we have too much darn stuff for our own good, and all of the sorting and rules and organizational systems in the world are never going to overcome that basic fact. If you have too much stuff, you’ll always be caught in...


Nanotecture: Tiny Built Things

...e propelled mini sauna above. I don’t know if I need to own a copy of this book (I’ve got a library copy), but I’ve spent a many evenings leafing through the pages. On a side note, many of the objects in this book are temporary outdoor art installations, something you see a lot of in Northern Europe in the summer. I don’t know why we don’t see more of these types of art and design shows in the U.S. They’re popular and a nice use of public space. T...


Three Important Points to Remember When “Kondo-ing”

...Tsuzuki who documented the condition of Japanese homes and apartments in a book Tokyo: A Certain Style. Tsuzuki book, which has haunted me for years, shows Japanese homes as they actual are: crammed with junk, spilling out of every cabinet and closet in spaces that are much smaller to begin with than what we are used to in the US. This rampant consumerism combined with the horrors of the tsunami, definitely helped catapult Kondo’s career in Japan....


A Cluttered Life: Middle-Class Abundance

...nits? The book is worth reading (ironically, I just sold my copy to reduce book clutter). While I no longer own the book I was happy to discover the short, three part video series on the project which I’ve embedded for your weekend enjoyment. Part II Part III What was especially interesting for me about these videos is that they address the complex inters...
