No Tweets Just Cats experimental one month digital detox as suggested by Cal Newport in his book Digital Minimalism. During this period I’m giving up the Twitters which usually forms the basis of a set of links I post on Saturday. Twitter has devolved into a way of monetizing people yelling at each other and I’m not missing it. I may look at it again, or I may figure out another way to do the link feature. At this point, I don’t know. But I’m happy to report my at...


Pegu Club: The Perfect Summer Cocktail

Don’t you hate those internet recipes with the book length introductions? So let’s get straight to the point. It’s hot, there’s a lot too worry about in this world and you need a cocktail. You need to make the Pegu Club your official summer libation. Pegu Club Cocktail 1 1/2 ounces gin 3/4 ounce orange curaçao (or Triple Sec if you’re cheap like me) 1 teaspoon lime juice Dash bitters Shake with crushed ice, strain and serve in a martini glass wit...


Coffee and Tahini Date Balls

...a well as a sugar buzz! The recipe: This recipe is adapted from the great book, Pomegranates and Pine Nuts. Makes about 12, depending on the size of the dates, and the size of the balls Ingredients: 12 pitted dates 2 Tablespoons of tahini paste Toppings for coating the balls, which may include: fresh ground espresso, ground cacao nibs, ground chocolate, cocoa powder, toasted sesame seeds, poppy seeds, ground nuts of all sorts, coconut flakes…and...


Post Petroleum Lecture, pedal flour sifters and cylindrical tofu presses, and author of eleven books, including Shutdown: Nuclear Power on Trial (1979) and Climate in Crisis: The Greenhouse Effect and What We Can Do (1990). His Post-Petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook: Recipes for Changing Times (New Society 2006) envisions the world as it will be transformed by peak oil and climate change, and offers a prescription for re-inhabitation. As one of the founders of th...


We are all gardeners

...subject of a whole different essay, but if you need convincing, check out books like Last Child in the Woods and Your Brain on Nature, or more immediately, articles on “nature prescriptions” like this one in Slate. Embracing our role as gardeners and stewards of creation is a thread of hope in an otherwise grim time. It’s a way of telling a story which counters our prevailing narratives of hopelessness and destruction. It’s also something we can...
