Saturday Tweets: Rocket Emissions, Tarkovsky and Borges Quoting Furby

...oking for gifts for climate-anxious friends and family, please consider my book. It inspires and empowers many who read it. Which is way better than anxiety, for us and for 🌍 Local bookstore is best, but here's a convenient link w reviews: — Peter Kalmus (@ClimateHuman) December 8, 2018 $30 plug-and-play kit converts a Bird scooter into a "personal scooter" — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 8,...


Who Would You Like to Hear on the Podcast? If I had to assign a letter grade for my ability to email, schedule and book guests for the podcast I’d have give myself a big “F.” Which is why, dear readers and listeners, you have not had a Root Simple podcast in a few months. I’m hoping to have some more time to address this problem which is why I’m asking for your input. Who would you like me to have on the podcast? What subjects would you like me to tackle? Would you like to be on the pod...


Saturday Tweets: RIP Mary Oliver

...rpt has been published on Medium! And yes: get the book! — douglas rushkoff (@rushkoff) January 14, 2019 These LA teachers striking against privatization + demanding smaller classrooms/more support for their students is a whole 2019 mood 💃🏿💃🏼💃🏽 — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 14, 2019 "How do we want to live among technology and each other? Why are cities treated like app platforms?"http...


Cybernetics: A Fatal Flaw

...s also healthy to look at what went wrong. A provocative and controversial book I just finished, Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet makes note of what may have been the fatal flaw in the movement: cybernetics, the dream of self organizing systems as an alternative to the messiness of politics. As the author of Surveillance Valley, Yasha Levine, puts it, Back in the 1960s, many of [Stewart] Brand’s New Communalists bui...
