Saturday Tweets: Weeds, Bees and General Crankiness

...You — Root Simple (@rootsimple) May 29, 2018 In my book, I refer to recycling as "Garbage 2.0." Here's why. — Peter Kalmus (@ClimateHuman) May 29, 2018 The religious hunger that drives Jordan Peterson’s fandom via @voxdotcom — Root Simple (@rootsimple) June 2, 2018 Don't forget to turn in your library books at the end of the academic year, lest you be 'roasted in a...


Day to day, our decisions count

...that jar of Thai chile paste you only used a spoonful of before it was lost in the depths of your condiment collection. Learn to improvise with what you’ve got–as good cooks have done for ever and always. Right now, I’ve got The Flavor Bible waiting for me on the library hold shelf–this is a book that I’ve heard good things about in regard to empowering cooks to work without recipes. I’ll take a look at it and let you know if I think it’s good. An...


Why Architectural Graphics Standards Should Be On Your Bookshelf tome called Architectural Graphics Standards should be on every DIYer’s bookshelf. It’s remarkable how much just a half inch can make a seat or table uncomfortable. That we’re a freakishly tall household contributes to the problem. Thumbing through Architectural Graphics Standards, I was able to diagnose the issues in our breakfast nook. The bench is too narrow and the cushions too high. I’m going to spend today correcting those problems. There...


Practical Backyard Chicken Biosecurity

...H are worth the risk. Kelly and I get requests to bring our chickens to public events. We’ve decided that we don’t want to stress our flock and potentially get them sick for the sake of a book signing. Decisions about risk management are never clear cut or easy. Have you had poultry disease problems? How did you change your biosecurity?...


On Homesteading Burnout and the Need to Focus

...nces we often said that, while we do a lot of projects as research for our books, readers should not try to do everything. Our message has always been that this movement is not an “all of the above” proposition; you don’t have to raise chickens, brew beer, sew, keep bees, make pickles etc.; you can go with your strengths and make friends with people who do what you’re not good at. But do I follow my own advice? Not so much. I’ve been thinking late...
