We Grew a Cocktail Avocado!

This morning Kelly alerted me to the latest avocado news making its way around the internet tubes. Apparently a chain of grocery stores in Great Britain, worried about the lack of knife skills in our young folks (ugh), is marketing a seedless “cocktail” avocado. What is a cocktail avocado? Some deep Googling revealed that they aren’t some new variety, just un- or under pollinated Fuerte avocado. Since we have a Fuerte tree in our backyard, I deci...


A Spidery Christmas

...in many versions, and has appeared in a number of contemporary children’s books. Basically, a poor family has nothing with which to decorate their yalynka and, hearing this, a spider overnight spins its web all over the tree, making the spiderweb sparkle and glitter in the morning sunlight. This explains the tradition of tinsel on the Christmas tree. The various embellishments of the story depend upon the teller and the tale. Another version has...


How to Remove Bees From a Tree

...f the six weeks I came back and took the box back to my apiary. In the Facebook live video above you can see the trapout just minutes after I attached the one way exit cone. The bees can be a little cranky for the first few days after the trapout begins. And this is a good opportunity to warn again about bee removal scammers who promise you that they can do a live removal of bees from a tree quickly by “smoking them out” or some other such nonsens...


Saturday Tweets: Watermelons, Drill Bit Storage and Unicorns

...ticating #watermelon from feral bitter wild cousins; Greeks & Italians for making sweet! https://t.co/VUIDJWRMQx pic.twitter.com/uxGB57Z9P5 — C. S. Prakash (@AgBioWorld) July 7, 2017 So you have a construction or repair job coming up. Which should you use, screws or nails? The short answer is… https://t.co/VyOFohr5CS — Hobby Farms (@hobbyfarms) July 7, 2017 How tech giants like Elon Musk can actually fix LA’s transportation problems https://t.co/W...
