2014: The Year in Review

...hat to do with the wild foods they gather. Pascal and Mia are working on a book that I predict will be the foraging book. September Stoicism Today In a very unlikely turn of events, an essay we wrote was included in a book on stoicism. I tried not to let it puff my ego up too much. October I Made Shoes In October we hosted an intense three day turnshoe making workshop with Randy Fritz. This was one of the more commented upon things we did this yea...


A Review of Masanobu Fukuoka’s Sowing Seeds in the Desert

...is parent’s farm when he first took it over. And in the second half of the book he suggests a radical interventionist approach to what he calls “deserts” (by which he means areas ruined by human activity). Here he chronicles his trips to wastelands in India and the Central Valley of California. Fukuoka suggests carpet bombing these areas with seed pellets (a how-to for making seed pellets is included in an appendix). And the content of those seed...


Get Baking and Share the Loaves

...this bread!” To pick up the basics of home baking I can’t say enough good things about Baker’s book, Josey Baker Bread . Baker’s previous job was in science education which makes him the perfect person to write a baking cookbook. The book is laid out to teach you all that you need to know about bread sequentially. You go from a simple yeasted bread up almost to the Einkorn baguette level. As Josey Baker says, get baking and share the loaves!...


Stoicism Today

...academics and non-academics alike and is about the varied ways in which the 2,300 year old philosophy as a way of life remains relevant to the concerns and needs of the present day. The book is available as a paperback and Kindle e-book. The Stoicism Today website also has a free handbook and online course, well worth checking out....


Farmstead Egg Guide & Cookbook Giveaway

...few years ago. She’s got a new cookbook out, The Farmstead Egg Guide & Cookbook. The book begins with a purchasing guide to eggs followed by a brief introduction to what’s involved in keeping chickens. Recipes–everything from omelettes to deserts–make up the majority of the book. Terry is on a blog tour, and has dropped by Root Simple to share a recipe and give away a copy of The Farmstead Egg Guide & Cookbook. To win the book, all you have to do...
