Josey Baker whole / wild / wet / slow / bold

... The bread nerd club I co-founded, the Los Angeles Bread Bakers, brought Josey Baker down to LA to teach a class. Now you can watch a version that very same class via Youtube for freeeeeee. I’m a huge fan of his method and his book Josey Baker Bread. If you’re interested in making your own bread skip the Netflix tonight and get whole, wild, wet, slow and bold....


Julian the Apostate’s Sleeping Advice: Sleep on the Ground and Your Mattress is Freeeeeeeeeee

...pains later in life. It’s possible that the softness of our mattresses are making our muscles and bones weak, just like the terrible running shoes and orthotics that ruin our feet and collapse our arches. It turns out that the last pagan Roman emperor has ideas about how we should sleep. Ammianus Marcellinus’ Roman History Book I, contains a description of emperor Julian the Apostate’s austere sleeping habits: And when the night was half over, he...


May the Work I’ve Done Speak for Me

...yone who wanted to use it. Along with Joanne, he generously hosted several book promotion events for us, including lectures, a beer making party and pickling and bread classes. He nurtured deep relationships with other faith traditions and hosted ecumenical lectures and events. Peter is of the “ask forgiveness not permission” style of leadership. In keeping with this he says “yes” where others might hem and haw and wait to check with the higher up...


Physalis pruinosa a.k.a. “Ground Cherry”

...orted on with enthusiasm by the late Dr. David Fairchild in his well-loved book, The World Was My Garden. He there tells of its fruiting “enormously” in the garden of his home, “In The Woods”, in Maryland, and of the cook’s putting up over a hundred jars of what he called “Inca Conserve” which “met with universal favor.” Our package of Physalis pruinosa was priced at a staggering $3.99–a lot considering the package only contained 12 seeds. You can...


108 Artist/Maker Federico Tobon of the things we talk about: Federico’s new drill animation piece. Flip Book Kit. Shapeoko CNC Router. Doodlers Anonymous. The analog/digital continuum. Hundertwasser on 99% Invisible. Converting an old 3d printer into laser engraver. Federico on the Opposable Thumbs Podcast. Federico’s Warm Heart Automata animated sculpture. Arthur Ganson’s gear piece at the Exploritorium. Federico’s social media philosophy: “Post positive things. Mostly yours...
