Make Your Own Furniture

...rabbit hole deeper than those weird Q Anon folks. From the Lost Art Press book, The Anarchist Design Book. My Trad Life If hand tools are your thing or if, like me, you use a blend of hand tools and power tools, Lost Art Press has some beautiful and useful books one of which I used to make a desk for Kelly. I’d also recommend By Hand and Eye and Mortise and Tenon Magazine if trad design floats your boat. Measured shop drawings for American furnit...


Bread Ovens of Quebec Free e-book

...amazing, out of print book, Lise Boily and Jean-François Blanchette’s 1979 book The Bread Ovens of Quebec, in its entirety online. The book includes the history of the Quebec oven, how to build an oven, bread recipes and even “popular beliefs, spells, incantations, and omens” associated with ovens. I’m really happy with the adobe oven we have in our backyard–it has produced many a tasty pizza and I look forward to having people over to give me an...


Looking for the Union Label

...d a highly catchy ad jingle from the roller disco era, “Look for the Union Label” (youngsters can watch it on youtube here). We looked for the union label and we were surprised to find it via a company called Union House which carries a functional, if unexciting line of apparel. Unless hipsters take to golf shirts in an ironic fashion judo move, these offerings will never be cool like the domestically made clothes made by the union busting folks o...


114 Will of The Weekend Homestead on Fire Safety tree watered! Smoke detectors Fire extinguishers and how to use them Common causes of residential fires What it’s like to be a firefighter Will’s career in fireworks Upcoming and ongoing projects: outhouse, solar power, Instapot, apple orchard, and Will’s SKYBOX You can find The Weekend Homestead on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook. If you’d like to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to rootsimp...
