Making Tofu From Scratch at the Institute of Domestic Technology

...sian Tofu: Discover the Best, Make Your Own, and Cook It at Home and a new book, The Banh Mi Handbook: Recipes for Crazy-Delicious Vietnamese Sandwiches . She began the tofu class with with some soy beans that were soaked the night before. The pre-soaked beans were ground up in a blender and the slurry was boiled in a pot with some water. The mixture was poured through a cloth to produce soy milk. The cloth was gathered up and squeezed to get out...


006 The Secrets of Kimchi With Hae Jung Cho

...hi) Diced Radish Kimchi (Kkakdugi) During the podcast, Hae Jung mentions a book that contains just about all you’d ever want to know about how to make the many different varieties of kimchi: Good Morning Kimchi Kimchi Classes Hae Jung will also be teaching two classes in Los Angeles in August. The first will be on Saturday, August 2, from 10 am to approximately 1 pm. Here’s the info: Details of Kimchi Class: The 3-hour class will be a hands-on exp...


Saturday Linkages: Expensive Grapes, Martha Stewart’s Drones and Sunscreen

...ealth investment … Can using sunscreen increase your risk of dying? … New York’s Oldest Phone Number : Need to book a room at the Hotel Pennsylvania? Just dial up 6-5000 … “The universe is c...


008 Grind Your Own Flour With Erin Alderson

...ling your own flours at home. Erin is the author of The Homemade Flour Cookbook and blogs at In our conversation Erin mentions that she uses WonderMill Grain Mill . We also discussed where to get unique grains. Erin mentions a few sources in her book: Bob’s Red Mill Arrowhead Mills Nuts Online Jovial Foods (source for Einkorn) Lundberg Family Farms I’ll add that if you’re in the Los Angeles area you can buy flour and grain at Gr...


011 Cleaning, Long Crowing Roosters and Water Storage

...references the importance of processing your inbox, an idea learned from a book Getting Things Done by David Allen. Long Crowing Roosters The Wikipedia article on long crowing roosters. A youtube playlist of long crowing roosters. Musical break “Banty Rooster Blues” by Charley Patton. Listener Question: Water Storage for Emergencies A correction to the podcast–the Food Safety Advisor is not free to download, but the information on water storage th...
