Saturday Linkages: Pallets, Ladybugs and Portlandia

...chicks wearing muffin wrappers as tutus! … The Flight of the Ladybugs … The Portlandia Activity Book … World made by bigots … For these links and more, follow Root Simple on Twitter:...


Root Simple Reader Survey Results

...ten to. That said, many more people listen to our podcast than show up for book tour appearances. We’ve been averaging around 1,200 downloads per week, though it’s hard to tell how many people listen all the way through. But the real reason we do the podcast is that it’s a way to have a conversation with and listen to other people in the movement. Writing can get lonely and solipsistic. It’s easy to lose perspective. The conversations we have on t...


Josey Baker’s Awesome Adventure Bread (gluten free!)

...d them well. We are also continuing our love affair with Josey Baker’s new book, Josey Baker Bread. While Erik is the Bread Master in our house, I step up to the oven sometimes, when I really want to try something. One thing I really wanted out of this book was a loaf of what Baker calls “Adventure Bread” which by the photo looked to be trail mix in loaf form. Baker says he developed it in response to the many requests he received for gluten-free...


How to Cycle Safely getting the hang of how far to the left or right to be is an excellent book The Art of Cycling by Robert Hurst. Controlling anger. This is the skill that took the longest. I’ve since learned to ignore all honking and even the most egregious behavior on the part of motorists. Arguments are not worth the time and can quickly escalate to violence. Plus you come off like the Portlandia bike dude. The sidewalk is, generally, not a good place to be....


Quick Breads

...ic and ridiculously detailed instructions to be found in Nancy Silverton’s book Breads from the La Brea Bakery. Silverton did for bread what Starbucks did for coffee, before she arrived on the scene America was a Wonder bread wasteland but now, in our coast to coast boho yuppified age, you can even find decent La Brea Bakery bread in the red states. Now we’re a bit contrarian at Homegrown Revolution, so while we’re not quite ready to go back to Fo...
