Bird’s Nest

...the back patio for far too long this spring. I see bits of twine from our bean trellis in there, and some grasses which look familiar. That ferny stuff around the perimeter are clippings from this asparagus fern that I’ve been trying to eradicate for fifteen years. (At this point, I admire its persistence so much that I can only bow to it as a respected enemy.) The fern is beautiful in this nest. The soft fluff in the middle may have been sourced...


Solar recipe review: Moroccan Chickpea Tagine (Works on the stovetop, too) likely pull this out of your pantry right now. If you have fresh cooked beans or your own canned tomatoes it would be all that much better, but this is a good recipe for busy days. The resulting stew is comfort food, spicy and sweet. My one critique is that it is perhaps a little too sweet. It calls for raisins or currants, and I used raisins. The raisins ended up being preternaturally sweet–perhaps due to the slow cooking? They’d be fantastic...


Who Wants Seconds? Book Giveaway

...ies, Waldorf salad, peanut butter blondies, sweet potato lasagna and white bean soup. We’re giving away a copy of Who Wants Seconds? to a lucky Root Simple reader. To enter the contest just leave a comment on this post–just tell us if you’re an omnivore, vegetarian or vegan. We’ll select a winner by generating a random number and matching that to the comment order. We’ll announce the winner on Friday and the winner will need to email us their addr...


Make Your Own Furniture did about his work on the YouTubes. Put That Pipe Down and Make a Chair Bean bags, houseplants and macrame are back thanks to the Silver Lake Shaman. Sunset Magazine’s Easy-to-Make Furniture will not only help you make furniture on the cheap it might just open your third eye in the process. Spiros Zakas and Parsons Design Students Spiros Zakas and his students put out two classic 70s DIY Furniture manuals, Furniture in 24 Hours and More Furnitu...


White Sage and Bees and our other sage friends

...last but not least is my culinary sage, tucked in with some thyme and mint, and beleaguered by the nasturtium. It’s not flashy, but its strong and knows what it’s about. It’s also indispensable in the bean pot. Do you have a favorite sage? Do you have any recommendations for my next round of planting? I’m thinking about adding at least two more to the grounds of our estate....
