How FilmLA Blocks Bike Lanes

...treet was a ghost town, it’s collection of handsome 1920s office buildings making it a convenient stand-in for New York. Now people live, work, shop and eat there and, increasingly, travel by foot, bike and scooters. The constant filming has, long since, become a nuisance. At the same time states and municipalities around the country compete to offer race-to-the-bottom incentives and tax breaks to lure film companies away from expensive cities lik...


Saturday Tweets: Don’t Fear the Green Reaper

...Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 28, 2019 The Right to Repair movement is making strides around the world — Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 28, 2019 I’m going to have to start eating actual mice, aren’t I? — Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) January 28, 2019 Progress! — Michael Pollan (@michaelpollan) January 28, 2019 Play is beginning to look more and more like work. The Complic...


What You Can Do to Make Our Streets Safer never seen a road they don’t like and have spent the past hundred years making our cities into dangerous traffic sewers (see this article). Their lobbyists have a seat on municipal traffic commissions and they have the ear of our politicians. Thankfully there’s an alternative. If you want roadside assistance you can sign up for the Better World Club or just use the towing service offered by your insurance company. The tow trucks all come from t...


More on How to Make Clear Ice

...tic David Rees (author of a book on sharpening pencils!), and one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, did a whole National Geographic special on ice that includes a segment on making clear ice. And did you know that clear ice sometimes happens naturally? Behold this viral YouTube hit, “Walking on beautiful clean ice in Slovakian Mountains:” Lastly, I want to leave you with one of the most satisfying vi...


Discover the Magic of Home Milling this Saturday

...l. Why To share the benefits of milling fresh flour at home. Benefits like making fresher healthier more nutritious foods for less money, while supporting the local economy, increasing food security and decreasing our impact on the environment. Where The King’s Roost in Silver Lake is LA’s first and only urban homesteading store and learning center. We believe it is the only brick and mortar store in the country that carries a full line of home gr...
