Weekend Linkages: Spiders and Fast Food Ghosts

...Michael Grave’s original plans for Portland City Hall had a little town on top via @jmfowl. Two Men Had To Be Extinguished After Catching Fire At Goop Store A beautiful art book about spiders LA Restaurants Are Breathing Life Into the Architectural Ghosts of Fast-Food Past China Miéville: “If you don’t feel despair, you’re not opening your eyes” Energy use from US cryptomining firms is contributing to rising utility bills...


Water your Trees with Greywater

...nd links on the subject. Laundry to Landscape International greywater guru Art Ludwig has a set of free plans on his website Oasis Designs for a laundry to landscape system. I’ve built this system at our house and at a neighbors’ and can attest to its ease of construction and functionality. Make sure you read through Ludwig’s directions in their entirety or else you’ll blow out your machine’s water pump. And note that some California cities such a...


Swedish Death Cleaning

...ly decluttering as the years go by, ideally beginning in your fifties (or at any point in life) and going until the day you kick the bucket. The ultimate purpose of death cleaning is to minimize the amount of stuff, especially meaningless clutter, that you leave behind for others to deal with. The article goes on to describe Margareta Magnusson, the doyen of Swedish death cleaning, as Marie Kondo with a dose of momento mori. Not having read Magnus...
