Campfire Cooking: Fish in Clay (& Vegetarian Options!)

...eautiful fish: Once the clay is applied, the fish goes on the hot coals for 10 minutes on each side. This timing applies to a trout in 1/2 inch of clay. Differently sized fish and different thicknesses of clay will effect the timing. When the package comes off the fire, crack open the clay and peel the pieces off of the leaf coating. This is the exciting part, and would be really dramatic at the dinner table. When served while hunkered around the...


Picture Sundays: Do You Believe In Magic?

...I really like this mural that just appeared in our neighborhood near the corner of Sunset and Coronado. Bunnies tumble out of a magic hat and there’s a silhouette of a coyote and crow (common urban wildlife here). The text, “do you beleav [sic] in magic” brought a smile to my face as I waited for the bus. My day had been re-enchanted by this symbolic bit of street art....


Author William Powers to Speak in Los Angeles

...00-square-foot Queens townhouse, and moved into a 350-square-foot “micro apartment” in Greenwich Village. Downshifting to a 20-hour workweek, Powers explores the viability of Slow Food and Slow Money, technology fasts and urban sanctuaries, rooftop gardening and beekeeping. Discovering a colorful cast of New Yorkers attempting to resist the culture of Total Work, Powers offers an inspiring exploration for anyone trying to make urban life more peop...


Saturday Linkages: Killer Bees, Bikes and Cold Coffee

...17 … Stop Trying to Make Killer Bees Happen Designing Urban Agriculture: … Why the Brain Prefers to Read on Paper … HOWTO make a bike-charged emergency battery: http://boingboing.n...


How to Get Skunks Out of Your Basement and Yard

...up residence under the house we’d have paid off the mortgage by now. Our particular crawl space critter B&B was opened by virtue of a flimsy access door. Some animal, most likely a raccoon, pried it open. The problem with this situation is that you can’t just close up the door. Some poor creature would die a horrible death and then stink up the house for months. The answer is to create a one-way critter exit. To make an exit you need a raccoon tr...
