Saturday Linkages: Juneteenth

...Oakland mural by Elaine Chu and Marina Perez-Wong. A Juneteenth of Joy and Resistance Joe Lamp’l Rants about Mosquito Spraying Services, and 9 More Things Here’s All the Free Online Stuff You Get With Your L.A. Library Card How to Bribe a Los Angeles Lawmaker Making Jam from Frozen Fruit Ancient receipts I’m Not Wearing a Mask Arizona Public Media: Behind the Mask A Brief History of Listening In on Police Radios...


Saturday Tweets: Ascension K-Mart Choppers

.../ — Martha Lauren (@NQRW) May 4, 2019 When Brussels started making its main boulevards car-free, people complained the plan was just displacing pollution to areas with cars. So city leaders pedestrianized even more major streets. — Alissa Walker (@awalkerinLA) May 4, 2019 — Cursed Architecture (@CursedArchitect) May 3, 2019 How do machine metaphors shape our understanding of reality...


Saturday Tweets: Parsley Poodle Sandwich

...Y6yEREr — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 13, 2019 Watch Netflix at work by making it look like you’re on a conference call — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 10, 2019 I’m in a wheelchair or pushing a baby along. How do I get around this? @LADOTofficial @davideryu #shermanoaks — CiclaValley (@Ciclavalley) July 12, 2019 Let’s do this in LA starting with the section of the 2 freeway between Glendale an...


Saturday Tweets: Ancient Bread, Wild Horses and High Metabolism Money bread from dormant, 4,500-year-old yeast extracted from Egyptian bread-making ceramics — Root Simple (@rootsimple) August 8, 2019 Wild Horses of Nevada by Maynard Dixon , 1927. — Mordecai (@MenschOhneMusil) August 6, 2019 High Metabolism Money via @wordpressdotcom — Root Simple (@rootsimple) August 10, 2019 Become immersed in the sights and the sounds of the forest as y...
