Saturday Tweets: Eating Ants, Bikes and LA as Heat Island

...oot Simple (@rootsimple) September 23, 2015 LA Gets More Added Warmth from Urban Heat Islands Than Anywhere in the State via @CurbedLA — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 23, 2015 Dan Price’s underground home, art & philosophy on $5,000year – videos – *faircompanies via @faircompanies — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 23, 2015 The Vegetable Detective, Take Two — Root Simple...


New Sill Plate and Joists

...ld have spent doing the things that normally take up the time of glamorous urban homesteading bloggers in the big city such as pondering avocado toast recipes or dehydrating loquats. After much all caps thinking, I came to the conclusion that we need a kind of time traveling Dr. Who character whose sold mission would be to stop misguided remodeling projects in the past. He’d spend a lot of time in the 1960s and 70s halting bad patio pours, stoppin...


As Above, So Below

...for looking at nebulas, galaxies and star clusters even in light polluted urban areas. Primitive astrophotography. I held my camera up to the eyepiece to get this photo of the moon last night. I have to thank, in particular, Rob J of the San Jose Astronomical Association who sent some links about how to host a star party, how to host a school star party and inspired me to get the telescope out again. Here’s some Dobson related resources: Sidewalk...


Saturday Tweets: Oatmeal, Bikes and a Pickle Maker

...5Xs7x — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 28, 2015 The Skip Garden a moveable urban veggie patch built with 90% reclaimed materials — Root Simple (@rootsimple) August 1, 2015 ‘Sandorkraut: A Pickle Maker’ — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 30, 2015 Watch bicyclist lift and move car blocking bike path via @BoingBoing — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 28, 2015 On a ‘Tour De Tacos’ with L...
