The Future is Biomorphic

...lish. We can be especially thankful that the washing machine for people on page 179 of The Futurist never caught on. That said, the point is not always to predict the future. Architects, artists and designers push the envelope of consensus reality to spark a dialog. Architect Glen Small, one of the founders of SCI-Arc and the subject of an entertaining documentary, “My Father, the Genius” is one such provocateur whose thoughtstylings appear in The...


The Year We Gave Up Our Smart Phones

...her than “building my personal brand?” What if a measure of success became making something that was so well put together and so appropriate for its setting that nobody noticed it? The revolution came sooner than expected. With the tech bros locked up on Mars we freed ourselves from the shackles of “surveillance capitalism.” For a time some of us went back to flip phones but that interim period didn’t last long. In the end we all realized that we...


044 Daniel Kent: Cabin Dweller’s Textbook

...carbonation system How to make your own clear cocktail ice The Old Fashion Making your own bitters Herbs of Mexico Institute of Domestic Technology classes Wool and how to wash it Roasting your own coffee with a Whirley Pop Sourcing green coffee at Sweet Maria’s and Bodhi Leaf Coffee Traders Cowboy coffee Sharpening tools If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to


Homegrown Revolution at the Alt-Car Expo

...lution of technique, of skillful means, aimed at this world, as it is now. Technology might find its proper place in our lives if we experienced such a shift in perspective–in a society oriented around technique, we might find that we desired far less gadgetry. We might start to prefer slowness to speed, subtlety and complexity to products aimed at standardized mind.” The bike is ready to go. That showroom full of electric cars, ethanol guzzling e...


LED Light Bulbs

...act fluorescents to LED lights, since LED bulbs have a more directed light making them perhaps better for applications such as bedside reading lights, where you don’t want to bother a dozing partner. LEDs, due to their exceptionally long life — upwards of 60,000 hours — are also great for installation in hard to reach locations where the lights will be on continuously. LED lights, however, still bust the wallet with their high price. This issue re...
