Print and Internet Resources for Natural, No-Treatment Beekeeping

...’ll find a range of ideas in these books and websites particularly when it comes to hive types–everything from Langstroth boxes to top bar hives to hollowed out logs. What matters more than the type of hive you use is having a long range view and a recognition that too much intervention leads to the sort of antifragility Taleb is concerned about. Your local club or beekeeping association may or may not be open to natural techniques. It could be di...


Does Compost Tea Work?

...reviewed recommendations can be made on the use of compost tea. Nobody agrees on what compost tea is or how to brew it. What kind of compost do you use? Do you have to aerate it? How and for how long do you aerate it? Compost teas have been shown to both solve and cause disease problems. Compost tea shows promise as a fertilizer. If you add sugar to your tea you need to be very careful about food safety issues. You must dilute compost tea before u...


We Went to Japan

...bsequent nuclear disaster. Near our hotel was the headquarters of the Japanese Communist Party which is more of a progressive party not a Stalinist type org. These two posters say Yes to higher wages and No to military expansion. On the other end of the political spectrum we also got to watch a bizarre and loud caravan of Japanese Qanon enthusiasts, their loudspeakers echoing through a fashionable neighborhood of ceramics shops, popup doughnut pur...


Making Tofu From Scratch at the Institute of Domestic Technology

...his summer. At the very least I can make my own soy milk and skip the sugary stuff I’ve been using. You can get organic non-GMO soybeans and coagulant online at Incidentally, IDT founder Joseph Shuldiner wrote my favorite vegan cookbook which is aimed at vegans and non-vegans (such as myself) alike: Pure Vegan: 70 Recipes for Beautiful Meals and Clean Living ....
