102 Beekeeping Controversies With Susan Rudnicki

...rs and natural beekeepers. In this episode we delve deep into the controversies over how bees are managed with beekeeper Susan Rudnicki. We recorded this episode in front of a live audience at one of Honey Love’s monthly symposiums. We get into a lot of detail on beekeeping methods, so consider this episode a kind of natural beekeeping 101. During the podcast Susan discusses: Why are all the bees dying? Treatment vs. non-treatment. Why most advice...


Weekend Linkages: Slow Down!

...Farmers in Senegal learn to respect a scruffy shrub that gets no respect Mushroom observer Facebook/Meta Asks: “Wouldn’t It Be Nice To Die?” Pedestrian Deaths Spike in U.S. as Reckless Driving Surges The Last Vestige of an Old Order in “The Nineties” I really wish I didn’t know that there’s a flat earth themed country album by a posh Brit...


Maintaining a Worm Bin

...t. It was past time to change this working side to a resting side. Resting comes before harvest. This is where dividing the bin in two comes into play. Resting means no more feeding, so that the worms will finish up whatever bits of food are left around. But of course you can’t starve out your worms, so you only rest half of the bin at a time. To do this, you put your food scraps on one side only. The worms on the resting side will finish up whate...


Bee Fever in Los Angeles

...opinion, holds the answers to colony collapse disorder. I also like Anderson’s thoughts on mainstream beekeeper’s all consuming obsession with counting varoa mites. Anderson says, “To me it’d be like joining the Kennel Club and talking about my dog’s fleas.”...



...scent for hours (dobermans are great, however, for deterring Jehovah’s Witnesses, but that’s another post). As far as rat prevention goes, it’s really important to harvest all fruits from the garden before they drop on the ground. Our rat problem this winter may be due, in part, from our laziness and failure to harvest the fruit of our prodigious fig tree in addition to the foundation work we’re having done (thanks again to those realtors we want...
