078 Mark Lakeman on City Repair

...fit placemaking organization The City Repair Project, and principal of the community architecture and planning firm Communitecture. He is also an urban place-maker, permaculture designer and community design facilitator. And if you’re on the West Coast of the US, you have a chance to participate in a series of workshops this month. For more information visit marklakeman.net. To find out about events in Los Angeles visit change-making.com. If you w...


Saturday Tweets: Bikes, Soil Bacteria and Low Fat Diets

...h won’t keep me from biking in the city http://t.co/RiySi4n340 pic.twitter.com/R6dCOYo3Rm — Sarah Goodyear (@buttermilk1) January 10, 2015 Which explains why Monsanto can buy “scientists” and their opinions: http://t.co/xTT3zZ1B4s — Nassim NicholنTaleb (@nntaleb) January 8, 2015 The Beasts In Our Yard 1.04.15 http://t.co/cP7Iaas9Wo via @SomeDayAllThis — Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 8, 2015 Fascinating article about how soil bacteria has led t...


Saturday Tweets: Peppercorns, Fig Trees and Your Inner Cleveland

...mber 24, 2014 Watch the rest of the world outstrip the US’s infrastructure: http://t.co/Q1S2s7aIk9 via @dailykos — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 24, 2014 The failure of farm-to-table dining — http://t.co/dIOdK0W7u2 — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 24, 2014 “Imagine Freeways Completely Devoid Of Cars” 1973 Oil Crisis, Netherlands http://t.co/B9oVPMXvJZ pic.twitter.com/vtHPIxpeW1 — BIKES vs CARS (@bikes_vs_cars) December 20, 2014 Pink Peppe...


Saturday Tweets: The Short Holiday Version

...Creating a food forest, step by step https://t.co/EbNzbzioiT pic.twitter.com/w4udZAFpbD — Permaculture (@PermacultuRRe) December 17, 2015 Car free living in LA: https://t.co/BqIysFjovk — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 17, 2015 New winterizing the beehives #beekeeping vids on https://t.co/1y6V4k5kYj pic.twitter.com/C5wuxtE1OD — Eric Rochow (@GardenForkTV) December 3, 2015...


Saturday Tweets: Mini Gabions and Citrus Liqueurs

...gabion Timber Press | http://t.co/emfnLyJZJ8 #craft #gardening pic.twitter.com/ovmeYdnkc0 — Timber Press (@timberpress) November 24, 2014 The road death rate for children in the Netherlands dropped by 98% between 1972 and 2013 http://t.co/rb10Sf06KF pic.twitter.com/s6dUROJCpF — David Hembrow (@DavidHembrow) November 6, 2014 Designing California Cities for a Long-Term Drought http://t.co/WUKPGGqfqn — Root Simple (@rootsimple) November 28, 2014 http...
