Saturday Tweets: Animals Sounds, White Bread and LA’s Worst Politician

...sounds, yours for the (free) listening. — Xeni Jardin (@xeni) August 6, 2015 How to Work in Engineering for Global Development — lowtechmagazine (@lowtechmagazine) August 7, 2015 Yesterday, Council Member @GilCedillo gave the legislative middle finger to #BikeLA and the future of mobility in LA. — fig4all (@fig4all) August 5, 2015 Looks like LA has...


Sunday Videos: Welcome to HaFoSaFo

... Hafosafo Chorus & by Jessica Cowley and Bennett Williamson from machine project on Vimeo. Our neighborhood’s icon is this rotating podiatrist’s sign depicting a happy foot on one side and a sad foot on the other (we call our charming ‘hood HaFoSaFo after the sign). It looks like we have the beginnings of an annual ritual....


Los Angeles Permaculture Design Course Certificate Series

...7/8 & January 4/5 Food, Water, Shelter & Energy… Designing & Building the Complete Home Ecosystem. February 1/2 & March 1/2 Community & Green Business… EcoVillage Design and Community Celebration. TEACHING TEAM Instructors include Internationally Acclaimed Leaders in the Worldwide Sustainability Movement: • L. SANTOYO, Director, EarthFlow Design Works • SCOTT PITTMAN, President, The Permaculture Institute • TOBY HEMENWAY, Author, Gaia’s Garden •...


Hens in the Orchard for Pest Control

Photo: Author Terry Golson, who blogs at, sent along a great pest control tip in response to our thrip post–chickens, of course! Chickens and orchards go together like gin and tonic. The hens take care of pests, clean up rotten fruit, add nitrogen to the soil and the canopy of the orchard protects the hens from hawks and heat. Plus you get eggs and meat. Permaculture in action. The 1920s era photo you see above comes from on...


Saturday Linkages: Sink Urinals!

...e: Matt Gil’s garden works with the constr… … Brace yourself: remove staking from trees! … Metro rips out Phantom Planter’s flowers at Dupont Circle station: Pee talk Because guys need better ways to pee; sink-urinal saves water, encourages men to wa...
