Hornworm meets alien!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sjXf_kCZp50 So much better than that pointless Prometheus movie, is this glimpse into the kind of parasitism Hollywood just can’t match. In this Purdue Extension Entomology Service produced video, you’ll see a hornworm devour a tomato and then fall prey–Alien-style–to a species of parasitic wasp (Cotesia congregata). Not only do these parasitic wasps devour their host but in order to overcom...


Extreme Low-Tech Communication

...oice vibrating the microphone (which was a re-purposed speaker). If you want to build your own here’s the circuit schematic and more details. And here’s Rainey, back in 2009, using El Silbo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6G_yGDbgEY#t=0 On a side note, can we please apply Ham radio’s level of detail and open source spirit to the world of backyard vegetable gardening?...


Video Sundays: Doberman Outsmarted by Chicken

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8qypvHhpL0 Via Doug Harvey, a video that brings back memories. Except that our late Doberman was deathly afraid of chickens, for some reason. Addition from Mrs. Homestead: I wouldn’t characterize our dog as having been deathly afraid of chickens. Rather, I’d say he let the chickens push him around–very much like this video. Once I found him trapped, unable to get to the house because the mean chickens were blockin...
