On Living in Los Angeles Without a Car: A Debate

...at my road bike. I never thought that would ever happen in Los Angeles. I understand Kelly’s objections to riding a bike. Paradoxically the answer might be along the lines of, “if you can’t beat them join them.” That is, how about we get that laptop our yours hooked up wirelessly to the interwebs so you can get some work done while you ride on the bus? Kelly: Ugh. Why don’t I get a smart phone while I’m at it so I can spend all my transit time hu...


The Food and Flowers Freedom Act

...lp create green jobs and stimulate the growth of artisanal home-based businesses. Urban farmers help build community bonds and bring a truly local flavor to farmers’ markets. Angelinos care deeply about buying local organic produce. What about flowers? According to the California Cut Flower Commission, 80% of the flowers we buy are imported from overseas. Imported flowers are not tested for pesticide residues. Let urban farmers meet the rising dem...


Moonlight Medicine Foraging Expedition!

...ledge on how to identify common wild plants that can be used in herbal remedies. >>>> Nance Klehm is a radical ecologist, designer, urban forager, grower and teacher. Her solo and collaborative work focuses on creating participatory social ecologies in response to a direct experience of a place. She grows and forages much of her own food in a densely urban area. She actively composts food, landscape and human waste. She only uses a flush toilet wh...


How To Capture a Bee Swarm With Kirk Anderson

...rames–get one at your local beekeeping supply shop). Take the nuc box home and let them settle in for a few weeks. Then you can transfer the frames to a permanent hive box. That’s just about it. Bees tend not to be aggressive when they swarm (they have no honey to protect). To see more how-to videos featuring Kirk visit the video page of the Backwards Beekeepers....
