Saturday Linkages: Will Your Next House Be Built With Mushrooms? … Preparedness Tegaderm 3M product for applying dressing over bleeding injury: … How to Tell Time Like a Soldier | The Art of Manliness … DesignFast Fungi Bricks: Mushroom Blocks Better than Concrete?! | Designs & Ideas on Dornob


A Not So Close Shave

...on of an idealized alternate self via this blog and our books? How many times have I presented some neatly tied up homemaking/gardening tip when the actual results were more ambiguous? Or, to go deeper with this, how often have I presented a “failure” as a kind of false modesty? At the risk of doing the latter, and via a long winded media theory laden introduction, permit me update my ongoing struggle with shaving. Most folks don’t know that, long...


Are Miniature Books the New Smartphone?

...scher Melodeij in Teutsch Reimen gebracht. Basel, 1659 (a miniature book bound in tortoiseshell). Image: Wikipedia. I tend to be slow to adopt new technology. I was probably the last person on the block to have dial-up internet service. I still have a landline. And I held out on getting a smartphone until just last year. But once I adopt a new technology I turn into an addict. Computer scientist and work habit guru Cal Newport warns about smartpho...


“Interstellar”: Leaving the farm for the stars play farmer, discovers that NASA still exists, in skeletal form, in an underground bunker. (For Angelinos: The NASA bunker is the Bonaventure Hotel!!!!) From there the plot turns to “How can we get all of us off this sorry rock before humanity expires?” aka “Space will save us.” Kelly’s photo of the Bonaventure Hotel: the set for underground NASA. Erik: Two more big words for you: eschatological panic. To me that’s what the movie is about. Tha...


The Manzanita Miracle, or, why you should love native plants if you live in a dry climate

...can go between waterings–safely. Not pushing it to the edge of death, you understand, just calculating its normal water needs. This figure is called the “irrigation interval” and the answer was 225 days. Let me repeat that. This particular plant expects to go 225 consecutive days without water every year, and can do so without stress. And this number is just based on the evapotranspiration rate of the plant. It doesn’t account for healthy soil bi...
