034 Decluttering

...e Twenty-First Century: 32 Families Open Their Doors Center on Everyday Lives of Families Tokyo: A Certain Style (a book that shows cluttered Japanese apartments) The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo Paperbackswap.com Bookcrossing.com Project Gutenberg Sony Reader Kindle Paperwhite Little Free Library Movement Selling books at Powell’s and The Last Bookstore Konmari t-shirt folding m...


Saturday Tweets: Vive la Revolution!

...cause young people are not filling positions of previous generations. This comes at the moment our planet needs plant expertise more than ever. This must change. https://t.co/mlCook2pp9 — Thomas Rainer (@ThomasRainerDC) August 6, 2018 How to dredge the Netherlands without fossil fuels. https://t.co/2qXF3GU8Tw pic.twitter.com/DHbhqquvaS — lowtechmagazine (@lowtechmagazine) August 6, 2018 Forget the Open Concept: It’s Time to Bring Back Rooms https:...


Saturday Tweets: Bees, Fireflies and Food Waste

...Simple (@rootsimple) June 14, 2018 Worth reading: An Indian state banned pesticides. Tourism and wildlife flourished. Will others follow? https://t.co/MUYzsJkYbL — Thomas Rainer (@ThomasRainerDC) June 11, 2018 New study shows toddlers consume on average more than 7 teaspoons of sugar per day; 60% of children begin consuming added sugar before their first birthday. https://t.co/nPB2XajLto via @EurekAlert — Danielle Lee (@DaniLeeMPHRD) June 11, 201...


119 A Chat With the Gardenerd

...cast we discuss: Chip Drop Free Little Library Front yard fruit trees Bee rescues Michael Thiele Celeriac Loofa Jicama Styrian hulless pumpkins Piteba Nut and Seed Oil Expeller Oil press Sow True Seed In Defense of Okra Tomato varieties: stupice, yellow perfection, Azoychka , Tess’s Landrace, Tigerela, Yellow pear, black cherry, Jeune Femme Proper seed storage Squirrel Stopper Loquats Climate Emergency Mobilization Climate Emergency Mobilization L...


Saturday Tweets: Weeds, Bees and General Crankiness

...Corey Pein (@coreypein) June 1, 2018 “If disconnection as care is subsumed under an ethos of productivity, it risks reinforcing the idea that any nonproductive or nonintentional modes of disconnection — such as daydreaming or reverie — are eccentric or abnormal.”https://t.co/a8vNsV2Scy — david a banks (@DA_Banks) June 1, 2018 Caltrans bike/ped chief Carpenter encountered an unexpected problem with 14 high-injury locations where Caltrans district e...
