Forager and Humanurist Nancy Klehm in Los Angeles

...s 18+ years $20/person Children 6-17 years $10/person Children 5 years and under *free* Reserve your space for this event by sending your PayPal payment to: There are no refunds. Registration closes February 15. Mon. Feb 18 – Safe & Sound Human Manure Class Can we use human waste in our gardens? Is it safe? Come to this incredible workshop by Nancy Klehm, a human manure expert, where we will explore these questions and more....


Kitchen Alchemy

...l of the activities profiled on this blog are a kind of alchemy, symbolic gestures that ultimately lead to the kind of societal transformations that Pinchbeck writes about. These symbolic gestures need not be over sized, nor do all of them require land. Cooking homemade meals from scratch, as often as possible, is just the kind of alchemy one can practice anywhere you’ve got food and a source of heat. And what is cooking anyways, but a form of alc...


Cutting a Beehive Out of a Wall

...earing their house apart. Russ got one sting, but the hive was pretty calm under the circumstances. Next, we got all our tools ready and suited up in our white bee suits. A cut-out is a delicate combination of building demolition and surgery on a living entity. Like surgery, once you start you can’t stop. With a long butcher knife and some crowbars we peeled back the paneling to reveal . . . more paneling underneath! Thankfully it was ancient fibe...


Los Angeles Bread Bakers Blog we helped plant at Maggie’s Farm in Agoura Hills, a suburb of Los Angeles on the western end of the county. It’s the second year that we’ve helped farmer Nathan Peitso with planting wheat. We got no crop last year due to either birds or not harvesting the wheat soon enough. We’re hoping for better luck this year. Thanks largely to Mark Stambler, California has a cottage food law and Paul is also posting videos of a presentation that took place...


Saturday Tweets: Goats, Squares and Parking Lots

Good boy, Bleu! #greatpyrenees — AngelesCrestCreamery (@ACCgoats) February 6, 2018 They paved paradise, put up a parking lot+ — Donald Shoup (@DonaldShoup) February 9, 2018 A close encounter with Albrecht Dürer: — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 10, 2018 Crazy space saving ideas via @lloydkahn — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 10, 2018 How to m...
