Midnight in the Desert

...riness to it aided by the fact that he was broadcasting live from a remote compound in the Nevada desert in the middle of the night surrounded by his cats and ham radio gear. Bell’s show was the soundtrack of the American West’s vast deserts and forests, a landscape of secret government programs where the only sound is the mating call of lonely, inter-dimensional Sasquatches. If you’d like to catch up on your Art Bell listening you can download 1,...


Defeating Squirrels With Tech

...he squirrels. It’s worth viewing in its entirety just to hear how Grandis resolves the image recognition question, “What is squirrelness?” If you’re impatient you can fast forward to the 16 minute mark for the video. Spoiler alert: it works, at first, and then the squirrels quickly learn to ignore the blasts of water. It leaves me wondering if a scary clown strategy might work better such as it did with this bear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4...


Adobe in Action Interior and Exterior Plastering Online Course Begins on Monday, Sept. 1st

...ster adhesion locating and testing clay for earthen plasters locating and testing aggregates for earthen plasters and lime plasters preparing lime putty 10 importance of work site and material organization for plaster work fiber (straw) preparation and chopping techniques sifting & preparing & mixing soil and aggregates for earthen plasters wheat paste production for strengthening mud plasters casein production for lime paints natural exterior ear...


Your Beekeeping Questions Answered

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DFKqgWuCBA Got a beekeeping conundrum? Wondering about how to get started? Want to keep bees the natural way? There’s an easy answer. Google your question with “Michael Bush.” Michael Bush maintains an encyclopedic website devoted to all-natural treatment-free beekeeping at www.bushfarms.com. And the folks at HoneyLove have shot a series of videos with Bush. Bush’s advice is well outside mainstream beekeeping. Giv...
