Saturday Tweets: Big and Trainy

Pedestrians enclosed behind gates that only open so often. Cities reordered to a potentially “antiseptic” level to accommodate self-driving cars. This is what AV industry reps are telling the New York Times they envision. Pretty alarming stuff 😱 — Streetsblog USA (@StreetsblogUSA) August 2, 2019 Happy — Larry the Cat, Esq. (@Number10cat) August 3, 2019 No surprise that the @LosFelizLedger...


Saturday Tweets: As Seen on TV (@margaretwerth) May 18, 2019 this list of top tier lacrosse players names is destroying my life right now — intrusive thot (@kittygaga_) May 16, 2019 The Uber Presidency — Root Simple (@rootsimple) May 18, 2019 Yes – systemwide #alldoorboarding right away! Do it, @metrolosangeles! — StreetsblogLA (@StreetsblogLA) May 17, 2019 Revealed: air pollution may be damaging ‘eve...


Saturday Tweets That Should Have Been Posted on Saturday but Are, Instead, Posted on Sunday Evening Because I Was at a Met Opera Telecast (Dialogues of the Carmelites) Followed by a Wedding and Was Too Tired by the End of the Day to Sit at a Computer and Come up with Clever Titles

...climate breakdown. > — bue rubner (@BueRubner) May 6, 2019 Shooting hoops under the City Terrace hyperbolic paraboloid via @TheEastsiderLA — Root Simple (@rootsimple) May 9, 2019 I was curious to see if a nonsense LinkedIn account would also receive job offers. It does! 😀 — Alejandro Ramirez (@j4n0) May 6, 2019 I want that headdress … and the books @GallicaBnF @laBnF Français 1098 f. 2v pic.twitt...


Saturday Tweets: Ascension K-Mart Choppers

...itecture (@CursedArchitect) May 3, 2019 How do machine metaphors shape our understanding of reality? New #TeamHuman monologue: — douglas rushkoff (@rushkoff) May 3, 2019 “I want to look like I was attacked by a Velociraptor.” – America shopping for jeans. — George Hahn (@georgehahn) May 3, 2019 “I think it’s a good thing for climate messengers to ‘walk the talk,’" climate scientist @ClimateHuman told @BuzzFeedNews. "It makes...
