Homegrown Evolution Podcast Episode #1

...by the Los Angeles River and one of the bloggers behind lacreekfreak.wordpress.com. As we say on the podcast, we prefer gardening to staring at computer screens and putting a podcast together involves a hell of a lot of the latter. Don’t look for frequent updates, but we’ll probably put out another one in the fall. Please excuse the mike popping and other technical flaws, as we’re still working out the technical side. We hope you’ll enjoy the podc...


Harry Partch: Woodworker and Composer

...from a pump organ, modified by musical heretic Harry Partch. The organ was under the care of Danlee Mitchell, who kept Partch’s idiosyncratic legacy alive after Partch died in 1974. Once you hear just intonation you can’t un-hear the compromise that is modern “equal” tempered tuning (for an in depth explanation of the difference between just and equal temperament, this documentary explains it all). Let’s just say that hearing that “perfect” perfec...


Saturday Linkages: Mobile Pods, Soil Erosion and Getting Doored by a Porta-Potty

...ome-water-sustainable.html … Man on bike strikes porta-potty door; two hurt: http://bit.ly/1pisQdq Could a medicine used to treat gout also save our citrus? http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/wilderness-resources/stories/could-a-medicine-used-to-treat-gout-also-save-our-citrus … For these links and more, follow Root Simple on Twitter: Follow @rootsimple...


Saturday Linkages: Alphabet Birdhouses, Ancient Cheese and the World’s Worst Cookbooks

...er-to-rise-in-food-allergies/ … The world’s worst cookbooks: http://yuckylicious.blogspot.com Does Costco Destroy Baby Manatees? MoJo’s Eco-Doom Headline Generator http://www.motherjones*]}*.com/environment/2012/12/mother-jones-fake-headline-generator … For these links and more, follow Root Simple on Twitter: Follow @rootsimple...


Saturday Linkages: Beer Caps n’ Plants

.../2013/04/beer-cap-bathroom-floor.html … Lecture on stone-wall building, with miniature stone wall built: http://boingboing.net/2013/04/02/lecture-on-stone-wall-building.html … Plants! Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land http://j.mp/12r218m Transmitted light photos of houseplants: http://plantsarethestrangestpeople.blogspot.com/2013/04/exceptionally-pretty-pictures.htmlntsarethestrangestpeople.blogspot.com/2013/04/except… … grounded design by Thom...
