Saturday Tweets: We Really Need a Cat Pajama Party

...e) October 18, 2018 After terminal cancer diagnosis, Little Free Library founder feels like 'most successful person I know' — Root Simple (@rootsimple) October 19, 2018 From 1960, architecturally inspired headgear. Credit: A. Tony Vaccaro/Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. h/t @thorn_john — mark lamster (@marklamster) October 19, 2018 When celebrity athletes remind us how...


Saturday Tweets: Passover/Holy Saturday Edition

...Using Facial Recognition Technology to Send Jaywalkers Fines Through Text Messages via @motherboard — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 29, 2018 New Leadership Has Not Changed Uber — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 28, 2018 One Response to the Cambridge Analytica Scandal: Block Facebook's Tracking With Privacy Badger via @eff — Root Simple (@rootsimple) March 27, 2018 The Be...


Building a Makeshift Treadmill Desk

...a regular feature, here’s the first in a series of interviews of other homesteaders about interesting low tech home tech projects they’ve taken on. In this interview we talk to writer and homesteader Charlotte McGuinn Freeman about her DIY treadmill desk–a project I’m considering at the Root Simple compound. Charlotte blogs at and lives in Livingston, Montana. Why did you build a treadmill desk? Because as I entered my late 40s, a...


Discover the Magic of Home Milling this Saturday

...called the MockMill. The MockMill attaches to your Kitchen Aid and is considerably less expensive than other home mills. Please come, if just to taste what bread made from freshly mixed four tastes like. I’ll be interviewing Paul for the podcast live in front of an audience. Plus you’ll have a chance to meet Guy Frenkel, the baking genius behind this Instagram account. Here’s the 411: Home Grain Milling Raffle, Meet and Greet at The King’s Roost S...


Saturday Linkages: Repair is Beautiful

.../owners-manuals/ … Thoughtstylings The Tribe of Teenager … What your New Year’s Resolutions tell us about the way you think – Boing Boing … We’re all gonna die Cheesecake Factory pasta on list of caloric “food porn” Get Your S**t Together: improve your life by planning for your death: http://boingboing.n...
