Self Irrigating Planter Resources a resource for those who can, we thought we would put all the Internet resources in one place in this here blog post. SIP hacker and horticultural Internet hero Josh Mandel’s original pdf instructions for how to make your own. Mandel’s revised instructions with thoughts on how to eliminate the use of PVC plastics when building a SIP. Where to buy a SIP: Even if you build your own, you should follow the Earthbox company’s user guid...


Is Our Furniture Killing Us?

...nful case of plantar fasciitis that took a year and a half to heal. How about running barefoot as an alternative? How about keeping bees as nature intended as the Backwards Beekeepers do while we’re at it? In fact all of these heretical notions, counter to conventional wisdom, could be grouped under the “backwards” banner. I could go on, but don’t worry. We still like clothes . . . See more pictures of Arakawa and Madeline Gins innovative work her...


Introducing Lora Hall

...grown Evolution guest blogger Lora Hall. Lora is a neighbor, owns Los Angeles’ largest hen, Southern California’s largest rhubarb plant and is currently finishing a graduate degree at Cal Poly Pomona. Her master’s work involves the use of vermicomposting to break down a variety of materials (maybe we can get her to explain this!). You can meet Lora in person and pick up some seedlings and fruit trees at the Highland Park farmer’s market (map) wher...


We Vote With Our Gas Pedals

...ncluding California, have seen fit to pass “Speed Trap” laws requiring cities to establish a street’s speed limit based on the 85th percentile of average speed in order to use radar or laser enforcement. In other words, as one LA Department of Transportation engineer put it, “we vote with our gas pedals.” So we engineer cars for speed, engineer the streets for speed, and then raise the speed limits to match. If the 85th percentile is 50 mph on a r...


Author and Urban Farmer Novella Carpenter Rocks Los Angeles

...r pig feed, gardening in a neighborhood where “crack zombies” and prostitutes come out at night and how the local Yemeni liquor store owner came over to show her how to slaughter her mean goat. If you have a chance to hear her speak, make sure to go! We’ve read excerpts from Farm City and Carpenter is a terrific writer. In addition to her books and articles she blogs at and offers workshops on raising and slaughtering a...
