RIP Toby Hemenway

...osed with pancreatic cancer and has signed up for home hospice care. He and his wife need support to pay for living expenses and caregiving. Please consider clicking on this link and donating: The campaign goal has already been met, but home health care is very expensive and I’m sure that more money would help greatly. Save Save...


Does Compost Tea Work?

...tea you need to be very careful about food safety issues. You must dilute compost tea before using. The compost going into tea must be mature and of high quality. You might be better off just applying normal compost to the soil. My personal conclusions are that if I were a farmer (which I am definitely not), compost tea might be worth looking into as a fertilizer or, in certain specific circumstances, for disease control. As a home gardener, howe...


Bird’s Nest

...ypes of nests! Wee little eggs! Baby birds! One bird even made its nest in a sweatshirt hanging on a laundry line. (That’ll teach you to bring in your laundry promptly): And as of now my uneducated guess is that it is the nest of a house finch....


Video Sundays: Design Line Phones AT&T history channel, prove my point. Some background: For much of the company’s history, AT&T rented phones to users. But in the 1970s, the company tried a novelty line of phones that customers could actually buy, in stores. For these “Design Line” phones, the users were essentially buying just the housing — the working guts of the phones were still under the Bell System maintenance and ownership contracts. These phones were not cheap — price...
