What is a Swarm of Bees and What Should I Do About It?

...’s a video of our mentor, beekeeper Kirk Anderson, moving a swarm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChsoSwIxcwM The con artist “beekeepers” will either spray them with poison, suck them into a vacuum and kill them or put them in a box and then just toss them out in a nearby park or vacant lot. And they’ll charge you much more than a real beekeeper would. Bee temperament when swarming As I already noted swarms are most often so docile that you can a...


The Wild Yard Project

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG7EJkSIz_c Storyteller and native plant evangelist David Newsom’s Wild Yard Project seeks to transform the lawn wasteland of our built environment. According to the mission statement of the Wild Yard Project, The World Wildlife Fund recently announced that the natural world is losing 10,000 species a year, due largely to habitat loss. At the same time, we here in the United States have displaced over 40 million ac...


DIY Appliance Repair: What I did When My Dishwasher Start Button Stopped Working

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhsuRn6ysbc When, in the middle of a terrible head cold last week, our dishwasher stopped working I had a meltdown. In my worst display of “first world problem” privilege ever, I actually fell to my knees and wailed. Then I calmed down and asked Dr. Google for advice. In recent years, Dr. Google has become much more knowledgeable about the intricacies of appliance repair. Back in the dark ages, the internet only pr...


How to Seed a Pomegranate

...vorite method for seeding a pomegranate. While there are as many ways to accomplish this tedious but rewarding autumn chore as there are roads to Rome, I’ve found this particular technique the easiest. First choose a large bowl to prevent splatter and subsequent spousal arguments. Then slice the pomegranate in half along its equator. Take a spatula or other sturdy object and then spank the back until the seeds release (this sounds more erotic than...
