Curing Boredom with Solenoids

... Sixteen year old Brandon Switzer came up with a way of dealing with boredom: build a player piano. The project uses a humble Arduino and a whole lot of solenoids. It took six months to finish. I’ve come to see the value in taking on a project that’s out of your comfort zone and this is a great example of learning while making....


Water Harvesting Rock Star Brad Lancaster Spend an hour with Brad at his Tucson compound circa 2016: He calls the 1/8th of an acre site he shares with his brother’s family, his “living laboratory”. Here he plants around the greywater from his outdoor shower, bathtub and washing machine. He captures 100,000 gallons of rainwater per year on their property and surrounding public right-of-way. He cooks with a solar oven and heats his water using a...


Support the Master Gardener Program connected with an incredibly supportive community of volunteers and knowledgeable individuals. You can make a contribution to the UCCE Master Gardener Program here. The video above shows the amazing work of the UCCE Master Gardener Program....


No Tweets Just Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan I was too busy working on the house this week to curate a list of Twitterable links so it’s time for a Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan break. Kelly and I were lucky to have seen him in concert back in the 1990s. Here he is at the 1992 WOMAD festival in Yokohama performing “Mustt Mustt.” It’s difficult to translate the lyrics of this Qawwali, but in essence it’s about a state of divine intoxication reminiscent of...


A DIY Air Purifier

... Attention allergy sufferers: duct tape a HEPA filter to a cheap fan and you’ve got yourself a DIY air filter. With this simple hack you can reduce airborne particles by about 90%. This video, featuring Dr. Jeffrey E. Terrell, director of the Michigan Sinus Center, shows you how....
