Video Sunday: Camera Falls Off Plane, Lands in Pig Pen

... When I first saw this I thought it might be a viral marketing video (GoPro and the Pork Council team up!). But I think it’s real. The story goes that Mia Munselle was flying over her own property, dropped her camera and somehow managed to find it eight months later. The recovered video is the porcine equivalent of Gravity. Via Romona Marks....


What the Internet Will Look Like After the Zombie Apocalypse

...over a wide area. Plug a laptop into any of the routers and you can trade messages, files and live video back and forth. This is possible because it just happens that the frequency range of off the shelf wireless routers overlaps with amateur radio frequencies making it legal for Hams to boost the range of these devices. That and the fact that several models of ubiquitous Linksys routers are cheap and easy to hack. Photo: Texas Ham Radio All you d...


Permaculture Design Course at the Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano

...ATION 2014 Facilitator: Jeff Davis, Description: Under the tutelage of agro-ecologist Evan Marks and other permaculture professionals, increase your knowledge of applied sustainability by joining us in this 72-hour, permaculture design certification course. Gather the tools and practical, systemic solutions to repair and benefit our local ecosystems and environment. Engage hands-on sustainability and understand how to int...


In Defense of the Paper Wasp

...fferent kinds of paper wasps). Paper wasps like to build their small nests under the eaves of the house. Their diet consists of caterpillars, flies and beetles—anything that eats those kinds of bugs are a friend of mine. Nests consist of around 30 to 40 wasps–workers, queens and drones. They are much less aggressive than hornets and yellowjackets. How I stopped worrying and learned to love the paper wasp Of course, sometimes paper wasps build nest...
