Make Your Own Chalkboard Paint II

...the pre-made stuff. Plus you can use any color of latex paint. The paint has stood up to repeated erasing and re-chalking. Eric of Garden Fork just did a video where he made a chalkboard/pallet wood frame. In the video he uses an adhesive chalkboard film. Our workshop/garage is right on the sidewalk and on Halloween it doubles as a candy and (for the adults) cocktail dispensing venue. Should you find you...


A Brief History of Secret Drawers

...unkers. A desk, built for King Frederick William II by the Roentgen brothers takes the secret drawer idea to its zenith. This thing has secret drawers within secret drawers within secret drawers, all propelled by a complex mechanical system: For a more recent expression of the secret drawer trope see this impressive desk by furniture maker Lonnie Bird: The problem, both in the past and now, is that a dec...


How to Apply Window Glazing Putty I spent yesterday afternoon applying glazing putty to a window while simultaneously speculating about hosting the world’s first Olympics of window glazing. Who needs gymnastics? At the glazing Olympics, the judges will score the smoothness of the putty line, evenness of the corners, economic use of materials and cleanliness of the glass. One can also easily imagine the constant and exciting play by...


Jerry Seinfeld on Things

... “All things on earth only exist in different stages of becoming garbage. Your home is a garbage processing center where you buy new things, bring them into your house and slowly crapify them over time.” Thank you Doug Harvey for tipping me off to this gem....


Natural Cooling: The Fresh Air Bed

...e cold and falling risk. There’s even a newsreel on the baby cage: These days child protective services would stop by if you stuck your kid in a cage out the window. The idea lives on, but only for cats, in the form of the Cat Solarium and in many homebrew kitty window solutions. But enough about cats, what we really need is to bring back the California Fresh Air Bed Company’s clever indoor/outdoor bed....
