Erik’s New Years Resolutions

Normally I don’t do New Years resolutions. This year my resolution is . . . lots of resolutions. Here’s the list. I expect you to hold me to it:

  • get HAM technician’s license
  • learn Morse code
  • attend CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) classes
  • build cob oven in the backyard
  • organize messy office so it doesn’t look like an episode of Hoarders
  • organize supplies in garage into labeled boxes
  • turn the garage into the ultimate man cave
  • fix bad knees
  • return to the fencing strip
  • increase running distance
  • organize bug-out box
  • backpack more often
  • camp on Santa Rosa island again
  • plan out garden ahead of time instead of playing catch-up at the last minute
  • return to biodynamic practices in the garden
  • learn how to sharpen knives and tools
  • improve writin’ skills
  • start a podcast
  • shoot some how-to videos
  • create an iPhone or iPad app
  • check email only twice a day
  • clean up the graphic design on the blog and organize information better
  • take more time to cook
  • keep the kitchen spotless
  • ferment vegetables more often
  • celebrate the wonderful awesomeness that is Mrs. Homegrown each and every day

And that’s just January. It’s going to be a great year for everyone in the urban homestead movement! What are your resolutions?

Zombie Apocalypse Poll Results

2012—year of the goat?

The poll results are in and a solid majority thinks that things will get worse in 2012. The results, with 617 votes:

  • 187 30% things will get better
  • 309 50% things will get worse
  • 121 19% things will stay the same

I had intended to editorialize about how I see 2012 going. But I can’t say it better than this anonymous comment:

I could not answer the poll. My first thought was that things will get worse. I was thinking from a world wide view, economic, food wise, etc. But I thought again and decided that really those things don’t matter. I expect things around my house to get better. My love for my wife will grow and I hope hers for me. We may spend more for less, have shortages of this or that. But those are not a good measure of better or worse in my life. So my answer is that I purpose to have a better year no matter how the rest of the world does.

I’d also encourage all to read the wise blog post of Archdruid John Michael Greer, “Hope in a Cold Season.”