Saturday Linkages: Coop Plans, Moonshine and Mercury in Seafood

How to Build A Chicken Coop
by TimothySanders. Based on Tom and Lyanda’s Chicken coop.


Infographic: How To Build Tom and Lyanda’s Backyard Chicken Coop …

An easy way to make moonshine: …

Pastoral Pavilion: Eco-Friendly Retreat Meets Regional Style | Designs & Ideas on Dornob …

Loving David Culp’s Layered Garden. Scheming to see the garden. | Garden Rant …

The story of Mission grapes:

Signs of the Mayan Apocalypse
Cigarette company endorses apples: …

Mercury in seafood: Where does it come from? …

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Happy Mayan Apocalypse!

OK, so why are the folks in front having a good time?

If you’re reading this post the Mayan apocalypse did not happen. Either that or I’m blogging via a HAM link from the Root Simple bug out location. So what is the official party line here at Root Simple on the whole 2012 deal?

I’m hoping the uneventful passing of this day will mark a peak in interest in apocalyptic scenarios. While I could opinionate about the Apocalypse meme, as John Michael Greer calls doomsday thinking, I think it would be best just to quote Greer from his book Apocalypse Not:

there’s at least a chance that the upcoming failure of the 2012 prophecy might encourage people to take a hard and skeptical look at the apocalypse meme itself, to recognize that longing for the annihilation of most of humanity has no place in an authentic spirituality, and accept that our happiness as human beings depends on how we choose to live our lives here and now, in this beautiful world on which we each dance for so brief and precious a time.